Galerie virtuelle de DiranMart

Congratulations de Véronique LANCIEN - 09/11/2007
It's marvelous, your artwork is likely with so light. I wish you good luck to sell your painting

I don't know speak and write english very well but I undestand it.


Well done!! de Marilyn - 15/08/2007
Hey Martin,
I've looked at all your paintings again and I must say I like each and every single spot of paint you used on them.. I hope the future will keep giving you the inspiration, happiness and hope you need to be able to make those peaces of art! With this site you are already a little closer to the place you and your art deserve in this world. Wish you nothing but the very best luck there is!

royal highness de siegrid - 15/08/2007
hello Martin,
I realy like your paintings!! And I'm very impressed (I don't know how you say that in English:-)) of all the work you have done!! I'm proud to know you! And I wish you lots of succes with all the plans you've got already!

Siegrid xxx

Proficiat Martin!!! de Lien Thonissen - 12/08/2007
Een dikke proficiat met de mooie site en de prachtige werken! Ik wens je nog heel veel succes en dat de toekomst nog veel creativiteit en inspiratie mag brengen! Doe zo verder and keep up the good work! Dikke kus x Lien

Congratulations, Your Royal Highness! de Martine Bos - 10/08/2007
Your artwork is universal and so spread all over the world! Each of Your paintings arrives in the loving hands of appreciating people. Each of them carrying out a blueprint of Your spirit and soul.

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Merci de recopier la combinaison ci dessous

